Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And this month I haven't read many books, but I've watched and written a fair amount!
Here's what I got up to this month!
I read a total of 5 books this month, and I am currently in the middle of another. I'll talk about that one first:
-A Shadow Bright and Burning, by Jessica Cluess
I'm currently about 175 pages into this, and I have been making my way through it for the majority of the month. When I picked it up, I expected it to be an explosive, exciting book that doesn't stop to take a breath. Some of those scenes were like that, and each time I picked it up I was excited to read about, but it felt like explaining everything was more developed, especially when it came to explaining the world. So this month I have been picking it up when I felt like reading more, but it's not my main story at the moment, and I'm trying not to read more than I want to, as I may fall into a reading slump.
The books I finished this month:
1. He's After Me, by Chris Higgins

I saw this in a charity shop at the start of the month and because it's the last Chris Higgins book that I hadn't yet picked up, I went and bought it. What I loved about this book was that a character from a previous novel is one of the main characters in this novel, which I already knew. But this book was exactly the same as all her others, I couldn't put it down, and I read the whole thing in less than 24 hours. They're just so addictive, and they're always written so well, and this one in particular was so dark, it was almost like an intense thriller- and it was an emotional rollercoaster with panic, sadness, love and intrigue- this was the most roller-coaster-ish book I have had the pleaser to come across in a long time.
2. The Vile Village (Series of Unfortunate Events #7), by Lemony Snicket
3. The Hostile Hospital (Series of Unfortunate Events #8), by Lemony Snicket
4. The Carnivorous Carnival (Series of Unfortunate Events #9), by Lemony Snicket
5. The Slippery Slope (Series of Unfortunate Events #10), by Lemony Snicket
So, the plan for the Series of Unfortunate Events series in the month of October was to read the first three books that you see here, but because of the situation concerning A Shadow Bright and Burning, I basically went for four books because I was just in the mood to keep going with the series. I now have three books left in this series, and I'm getting nervous for how it's going to end! What I liked about these books is that a full 180 turn takes place within these books. We stop reading about just Count Olaf trying to steal the fortune, and a lot more different plotlines start getting introduced into the book that brings a lot more mystery and intrigue into the story, which is something that I've really enjoyed!
If you want to see my full review for this film, you can click the link. But if you want the short version, I thoroughly enjoyed this film except for a couple of (fairly significant) points. But what this film was really good at, was showing the inspiration for each and every song Queen released (especially for the people that weren't alive to live through Freddie Mercury's story.)
2. The Shining
3. The Omen
I'm putting these two together because they are both classic 60s/70s horror movies that I watched this month. I enjoyed them both immensely, and I'm glad that I've finally watched them! (Even if the horror was a little bit cheesy.)
4. Coraline
Coraline is my go to Halloween film, purely because it includes Disney! It gives me a very Alice in Wonderland vibe, and I was glad to sink back into that very surreal, mystical world that you are never sure what to expect!
1. Anne with an E- Season 1
I've had my eye on this series for quite some time, so I decided to give it a try. 7 hours later and I've finished Season 1. Such a realistic series of what it would have been during that time period. The portrayal of Anne was on point, I loved the plot, watching Anne flourish in a place where she met challenge after challenge, because of her gender and her outspokenness, so I was rooting for her from the start. The script was also incredibly beautiful.
Right! So I finished my summary! I am now looking for beta readers! (Not much more to say other than I am currently setting up paperwork for that but, if you are interested in being a beta reader, comment on this post, or message me on Instagram or twitter- whatmakesagoodbook on Instagram
@TheWorldIsBooks on Twitter).
So that is what I have been up to in October! There are certainly a lot of spooky films in there, and I'm glad I got to embrace the spooky mood as much as I did!
Right! I hope you enjoyed reading about what I did this month, have a lovely weekend, and I will see you on Monday!
-Abi xxxxxxx