
Saturday, 24 July 2021

Books 31-40 of 2021

 Hey guys, this is Abi here, 

And today I'm looking through all the books that I've read recently. 

For the last issue of this post, click here.

Without further ado, enjoy! 

31. Dead or Alive (Skulduggery Pleasant #14), by Derek Landy

The most recent Skulduggery Pleasant, and it's with this book is where I start to get nervous. There will only be one further book after this, and this one shows no sign of slowing down, which makes me think that the 15th and final book will be absolutely heart-breaking. The usual suspects, with a couple of new characters thrown into this, but not a huge amount as it's too far into the series. Top standard as I have come to expect with Derek Landy's stories, with action packed chapters that make me want to keep on reading, because they're so short. 
Gearing up for the final book next year. 

32. Heartstopper: Volume 4 (Heartstopper #4), by Alice Oseman 

Yet another absolutely fantastic volume from Alice Oseman. Now that the basis has been covered, you get to see another side to some of the characters, Nick and Charlie especially. Like I've said a few times before, this volume does take a bit of a more serious plotline and, although I love these characters with all my heart, it was nice to see. It was refreshing, because if the characters didn't grow or change, I wouldn't be nearly as satisfied reading this. 

As the fifth installment is the final one too, I'm thinking about re-reading them all in preparation. Should I? Let me know in the comments. 

33. The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus #1), by Rick Riordan 

34. The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus #2), by Rick Riordan 

35. The Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus #3), by Rick Riordan

When I first started this series, I was so excited. It read more like a YA kind of mature, rather than the middle grade niche that Percy Jackson had been in. The size of the books intimidated me a bit, but I'd encountered larger books than these before, so I wasn't that worried. 
And then, the further into the series I got, the less I felt motivated to read these books. Maybe it was all the characters being introduced. Maybe it was all the different obstacles they kept encountering, how they never really seemed to get anywhere. But for whatever reason, it just kept taking me longer and longer to finish these books. 
They weren't bad books. They just seemed to drag a lot for me. 

36. The Road Trip, by Beth O' Leary 

To keep the guaranteed reading slump I was heading towards, I decided a change of pace and genre might be in order, which is why I decided to get Beth O' Leary's new book a try. The Road Trip presents the worst scenario for anybody has an ex- having to share a car on the way to a wedding for hours on end. Sounds boring, but this is anything but. There's couple drama as Addie and Dylan try and figure out what went wrong, whilst a whole list of things went wrong. Definitely a helter-skelter read, with tricks and turns seemingly every chapter. Beth O' Leary is now an auto-buy author, as I think this is her best one yet. 

37. Nimona, by Noelle Stevenson 

A graphic novel about bad guys. I've been meaning to read this since September, when I posted my Graphic Novels TBR last year. Nimona is funny, with incredibly cool and unique characters that want to commit terrible atrocities, but actually have morals too. That is, until Nimona comes along. I won't say anything more than that because I want people to read it if they haven't, but you can literally soar through this in an afternoon. I thought there was a clear beginning middle and ending and I am entirely satisfied with how this went. Looking forward to reading more of Stevenson's work in the future. 

38. The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus #4), by Rick Riordan 

39. The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus #5), by Rick Riordan

After taking a recuperation break from this series, I was nervous going back to finish off these two. All in all, although it wasn't as easy-going as I was hoping, I definitely needed the break away from this series. I found the last two books to be okay, but by this point, I just wanted to be done. 
Maybe I'll try and attempt the series some time in the future, but I'll leave a question mark next to that possibility. 

40. The Thursday Murder Club (Thursday Murder Club #1), by Richard Osman 

After seeing this seemingly everywhere, I succumbed and picked this up. I didn't know much about this, only that it was about a group of eighty year olds that live in a home, who like to speculate and investigate crimes that had never been solved. Until a real life murder takes place right in their own backyard. 
I loved this book because these characters, Elizabeth and Joyce especially, never let something as trivial as their age stop them from finding out everything they possibly can about this murder case. There were actually points when these senior citizens were running rings round the police, and they didn't even realise. They're so much smarter than you would think, and even though I know that not every O.A.P. is like that, it sure was entertaining to read about. Eagerly anticipating the release of the conclusion at the end of the year. 

Okay! Those are all the books I've read recently! I hope you've enjoyed reading about my thoughts, and feel free to comment yours down below! 
I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you all soon! 

-Abi xxxxx

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