Hey guys, this is Abi here,
And it is the end of yet another month! Who would have thought?
And with the end of the month comes another wrap up!
So I read a total of three books this month (and a book that I finished during the last ten minutes of last month so I'm including it in this wrap up.)

I absolutely loved this book. It's very realistic and honest about a number of different topics, it's about a socialite called Lexi that thinks she's hit rock bottom when she nearly overdoses, but what she doesn't know is that it's about to get ten times worse, when she's shipped off to residential rehab. I flew through this novel, I read it in under two days and it is such a gripping read. Review linked into the title.

I re-read this so that I could refresh my memory on what happened in the first book before I jumped into the second (I had recently bought Legendary because it was signed), so that was the reason that I decided to pick it up. I read this book as soon as it was released last year, and truthfully, I thought that I enjoyed it a bit better this time around.
3. Legendary (Caraval #2), by Stephanie Garber

Frankly, a disappointment. I will go into more detail with my review, but for a lot of the book, there wasn't a lot going on. I liked that I got to see more of Tella, and read from her perspective, but I just feel like it could have been better.
4. It, by Stephen King

I'm so happy I get to include this in this wrap up! It took me 16 days but I finally got through it. Saying that, it is the longest book that I have read. Ever. Did I think it could be shorter? Yes. But the characters were super fleshed out, there were just enough creepy moments that I was scared enough, but not to the point where I didn't want to pick it up for fear of being scarred for life. I was maybe a bit quicker in the bathroom, but that's it. If I'm honest, my only critique was how long all the backstories were and how long it took them to get back to Derry (the two were mixed together). I wish that were shorter. But overall, a pretty amazing book.
1. Brain on Fire

I have been super busy this month, so there hasn't been a lot of time to watch much. I haven't watched any TV shows, and only one film. That film was Brain on Fire, starring Chloe Grace Moretz. It's based on a true story, and it's about a girl that starts having blurred vision, hallucinations and seizures, though all her scans appear normal. When the stakes start to rise, will they find out what the problem is, or will it be too late? It was a good film, not my favourite, but I tend to enjoy these types of films, and this one was no different.
Overall, I've got a decent amount of writing done. Maybe 25 pages, and I will have to fit in more if I want to finish my third draft before 2019, but I'm happy with how much I got done this month.
I'm going to keep on keeping on.
Okay, so that was my June Wrap Up! I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you also had a good month!
Let me know if you got up to anything!
So that is all I have for you all today! I will see you all on Monday with my TBR for July!
-Abi xxxxx
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